

Retire like a Swiss


If you want to retire in Singapore without that illusive $1 million, please contact us to lim kopi to discuss how you can retire graciously.  Learn how to generate income for your retirement.  Visit to learn more.

Your retirement need not be on buying insurance and CPF savings. We can help you to create retirement income by writing eBooks.


These aunties in Malaysia are making USD6-7K  per month from ebooks.  You can too.  Writing eBooks is not difficult.  As long as you can Cut Copy Paste (CCP), you can be n ebook writer.

Join Ebook Writer Guild (EWG) as free member to learn how to write.


"I'd benefited greatly from the training and advises I received from Lawrence. Now I know how to attract luck using the Law of Attraction. I made couple of thousands from 4D thanks ro Lawrence.  I'd continue to use the training to strike it big in Toto.  Huataahhh!"

-- Johnny Pok, Singapore